Hypnotherapy connects to the rootthe unconscious mind.

Our minds are made up of roughly 5% conscious and 95% unconscious. The unconscious mind tells us how to talk, walk, breathe and hundreds of other things we do everyday – it is so helpful!! Life would be pretty exhausting if we had to think about all of that.

Although the unconscious mind supports us in so many ways, it can also learn things (beliefs, coping mechanisms, habits, behaviours, etc.), which don’t support us and in fact limit us.

When we try to just use our willpower, which sits in our conscious mind, to change our mindset and habits, we’re fighting a losing battle. The 95% will generally win against the 5%.

These self-hypnosis sessions will reprogram your unconscious mind so it supports and empowers you in life.

  • Self-hypnosis is a recording you listen to which induces you into a deep sense of relaxation, for both your mind and body.

    It allows your conscious mind to switch off so empowering and positive suggestions can be made to your unconscious mind, which becomes open and receptive.

    It accesses a level we are unable to reach consciously, which brings about changes at the root.

  • When you go into a trance like state, it can feel like you’re asleep but you are in full control. Your conscious mind has relaxed and your unconscious, which you’re not aware of, is taking in positive suggestions.

    We go into trance like states all the time, for example when you drive somewhere and you don’t remember the drive, this is because that journey is within your unconscious mind so you don’t need to consciously think about it.

  • Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable setting, where you can fully relax and close your eyes. Put your phone on silent and ensure there will be no distractions.

    You can lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. It can also be good to listen with headphones if you have some but don’t worry if you don’t.

  • Yes! I offer 1:1 sessions where I will create a personalised script specifically for you and the area you want to focus on. For more information and to book please click here.

  • The more you listen to your chosen recording the more your unconscious mind will receive the positive suggestions on the area you have chosen.

    Be patient with yourself and know that your unconscious mind is getting to work and integrating these new powerful and positive beliefs.

  • Self-hypnosis is completely self. The trance like state you may enter is very common in our everyday life, we’re just not aware of it.

    You are in full control throughout, just in a deeply relaxed state which may feel like you’re asleep or zoned out so you don’t hear all my words. That is completely ok and normal, know that your unconscious mind is listening.

  • Once you have made your purchase you will be emailed a link to the recording to download. Please ensure you download it straight away as the link is only available to you for 24 hours.

    If you have not received an email a couple of hours after your purchase then please ensure you check your junk and other folders. If you cannot locate the email, please contact me at