How I can help your business and employees.

Working with companies my focus is to help your employees overcome the hidden challenges holding them back at work.

After six years working within Human Resources and Recruitment in the Fashion and Legal sectors, and now working as a Mindset Coach and Hypnotherapist, I have found mindset blocks are the hidden challenges individuals experience every day at work.

From imposter syndrome to perfectionism and fixed mindset to fear of change.

Individuals who work on their mindset are not only happier in their jobs, but they are more engaged and more productive.

“Elyssa hosted a wonderful mindfulness session with my team and I. It gave us the much needed space to connect, focus and reflect. Thank you for facilitating such a thoughtful and rewarding session.”

“Elyssa's interactive webinar received an extremely positive response from our students at LCF. Her combination of personal experience, clear learning objectives and hypnotherapy techniques complimented the topic, encouraging students to be themselves, have confidence within their abilities and skills, whilst utilising resources to continue development. Great work Elyssa!”

“Elyssa has been an absolute joy to work with!  She took the time to fully understand the needs of the organisation and the needs of the audience for our Ignite Your Career programme, and delivered a first rate presentation which was interactive, suitably challenging and easy to listen to.  Elyssa guided the audience through some probing questions but everyone engaged fully with the session and committed to action as a result. We will never fully know the full impact of Elyssa’s delivery on the participants but I suspect it will be significant.  I have already had several pieces of feedback naming Elyssa’s delivery as being thought provoking and one of the highlights of the day.  Thank you Elyssa and we hope to work with you again on future projects.”

“We invited Elyssa to run an “Empowering Mindset” workshop during our International Women’s Day programme. It certainly was an insightful and empowering session with lots of techniques shared to create the breathing space to reflect and build the inner belief and confidence.”

“Elyssa has been supporting one of our longstanding line managers with 121 coaching for the last 6 months and the impact she has had has been incredible. It has been really wonderful to watch our team member grow in their role and find real confidence in their abilities. The team member has said on more than one occasion how impactful they have found the coaching sessions, and that Elyssa has been really warm and easy to connect with. I would definitely recommend Elyssa to anyone looking for career coaching for themselves, or their teams, as I have seen first hand the difference she can make.”

Want to read about my impact with individual clients?

How I can support your business and employees.

I offer employee coaching, deliver workshops, webinars, event speaking and host panel discussions.

Topics I can cover include:

▫ Imposter Syndrome

▫ Self-Worth & Self-Esteem

▫ Confidence

▫ Inner Critic & Inner Nurturer

▫ Creating an Empowering Mindset

▫ The Subconscious Mind & Hypnotherapy

▫ Fear of Success & Fear of Failure

▫ Growth Mindset & Comfort Zone

Get in touch.

If you would like to discuss how I can support your employees please get in touch with me using the form below or by emailing me at

I look forward to hearing from you.