The Hypnotherapy Session

Reprogram your mind on an unconscious level and shift behaviours and beliefs which feel impossible to change.


▫ Personalised Hypnotherapy Script

▫ 45 Minute 1:1 Hypnotherapy Session

▫ Audio Recording of the Hypnotherapy Session (for you to listen to for life!)

Your powerful unconscious makes up roughly 95% of your mind. This is where most of your learnt behaviours and beliefs sit, which directly impact everything you do in life.

Think of it as your mind’s control room.

Some of the things it has learnt help you in life but some may be holding you back.

Hypnotherapy is a tool that allows positive suggestions to be made to your unconscious mind.

Topics can include:

▫ Overcoming fears

▫ Releasing stress, overthinking and anxiety

▫ Gaining clarity

▫ Money mindset

▫ Self-belief and confidence

▫ Letting go of comparison

This is perfect for you if…

▫ You are ready to feel in control of your life and have a mind that works for you not against you.

▫ You want to ACTUALLY start believing the affirmations you keep repeating to yourself.

▫ You want your brain to realise overthinking isn’t the best way to deal with change.

▫ You want to feel confident and go ask for that promotion or start that business idea you’ve had for ages.

▫ You want to feel safe and supported to step out your comfort zone, and do something different to what you have always done.

▫ You want to overcome your fears - whether it’s fear of failure, fear of success or fear of being judged.

Even if you have been believing a story for YEARS, it does not mean it can’t be changed. You have a choice to do something about it or not.

Book The Hypnotherapy Session

The booking and payment process is automated. Sessions can be rescheduled (for free) or cancelled (full refund) up to 48 hours before.

Looking for something else?

Personal Coaching

Through 1:1 coaching, I will help you to understand yourself and your mind better, get clarity on what is holding you back, give you the space to explore all your dreams and support you in taking action to make them a reality.

The 90 Minute Session

Think of this session like an express facial at your favourite luxury spa. All the good stuff packed into an in-depth 90 minute coaching session. Be prepared to leave the session glowing from the inside.